

By ValkaTR, 23 December, 2023
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" (a.k.a., the Sagan standard) was a phrase made popular by Carl Sagan.
By ValkaTR, 12 September, 2023

Well, it's not a question whether I wanted to be a mouse.
It's just sorta happens to you.
All of the sudden you realize, that it is what you want to be.

By ValkaTR, 7 September, 2023

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

i really hope, that incomprehensible cosmic chaos, in the end, will allow us to shine and thrive. i will keep working hard towards this goal and urge others not to give up.


By ValkaTR, 5 September, 2023

trying as hard as i can.
hoping for the best.
preparing for the worst...


By ValkaTR, 27 October, 2022

i'm happy to announce, that information about project "PIK-PIK RTU2" is now availble on this website. see links above.

little menu restructuring was done.

registration with captcha is now opened.

By ValkaTR, 4 June, 2020

Rodent website PIK-PIK is launched once again. Yay!
